This is us. | |
by Andrew MacGregor | |
Sara Dunlop directs a warm, slice-of-life commercial for Kohl's, the American department store for when "life gets real". What makes it real, you ask? Children, of course—children make everyone sound like Marcus Burnett (Martin Lawrence) in 'Bad Boys II'. The kids in this 60" spot do what all kids should do: keep parents on their toes. One pint-sized bowler runs after a gutter ball (no ramp or bumpers necessary, thank you), while another drops a tablet computer into an aquarium. Maybe he thought turtles got bored in the water. For DAVID, however, the ad belongs to the girl 'caught' in the bathroom with her mum’s make-up. From the tactful way Dunlop opens the door on her to how she looks away from the camera for a split second with a cheeky grin on her face, it sums up the messy magic of family life so well.
Product Category: Department Stores
Territory: USA