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BRANDS Mind you, this one's a bit different as it looks at the brands themselves.
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POST / EDITING / SOUND COMPANIES We've bundled together all the tertiary companies into a single list. There are a few prominent companies on here that don't subscribe to DAVID. The fools.
DIRECTORS OF PHOTOGRAPHY Are you one of the best twenty-five cinematographers working in advertising? You are? Then you should be on this list.
Fans of defunct American rock band the Dum Dum Girls will be pleased to know that former bassist Malia James has joined OB42 as a director. Those still in denial about the group's demise should check out her photo book, 'Girl in a Girl Band'—it may provide a sense of closure!
So what about James the director? Here's what head of advertising Jez Murrell has to say about the Texan: "A true artist in so many ways, Malia's passion and dedication to her craft is clear from the moment you meet her. A true storyteller, her work embodies her desire to create authentic, emotionally-driven stories that resonate with us all. She plays a mean bass too."
If it's a music video you're after, this promo for 'Baby' by Bishop Briggs is a work of psychedelic escapism. As an animated Briggs shifts from black-and-white to pop art hues, a trippy medley of strawberries, sharks, and spider-infested ice cream litter the screen.
James's vivid collage complements rather than overawes the track itself, almost mainlining Briggs's assertion that "My baby's got a fucked up head/Doesn't matter 'cause he's so damn good in bed" for an energy boost.
You can watch more of Malia James's work here. To discuss a potential collaboration, ring Frida Nilsson on 07961 579 032 or email frida@ob42.com.
Samantha Jayne and Arturo Perez Jr, directors of the recent 'Mean Girls' reboot, have graduated from North Shore High School and enrolled at Park Pictures.