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29 January 2024
Darren 'Bearyman' Foreman is a Renaissance Man when it comes to music and sound, and Shiftpost are understandably delighted to have him on board. Founder Saam Hodivala says: "I’m unbelievably excited to have Darren joining us at Shift, I’ve seen him live several times over the years and never imagined we’d be working together one day!"
Describing Foreman as prolific is a massive understatement, as the man himself points out, he once composed the music for an entire Netflix TV series when he was touring the country with his comedy music act which requires him to improvise an hour of music each night based on audience suggestions.
If you've ever had the chance to see him live then you'll know how incredible he is at making stuff up on the hoof... it is more like watching a magic act than anything else, and has to be seen to be believed.
This prodigious approach translates into the world of commercials as well, as Saam Hodivala confirms: "The first project we worked on was a commercial I was cutting with Andrew Gaynord and I was stunned at how Darren utterly nailed the brief we gave him."
I’m unbelievably excited to have Darren joining us at Shift, I’ve seen him live several times over the years and never imagined we’d be working together one day!
Darren Foreman is equally complimentary about Hod ivala, saying: "Saam is amazing, every time we've worked together it's been refreshingly fun, creatively rewarding and having worked with him many times over the years I'm immensely proud of the work we've done together. Saam is the go to guy in the industry to squeeze the maximum possible comedic juice out of multiple equally funny rushes. He knows how to make funny funnier, and he knows his music too as he's a good musician himself. Also Saam is VERY tall which is just really impressive... like a towering Sequoia in a forest of comedic editor trees.It's an honour to be associated with him and Shift and I for one am very excited about our future together."
Samantha Jayne and Arturo Perez Jr, directors of the recent 'Mean Girls' reboot, have graduated from North Shore High School and enrolled at Park Pictures.