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Editor David Whittaker has called time on his Australian adventure and returned to the UK with tenthree. He was a partner at ARC Edit in Sydney, where he helped budding editors realise their potential. He's keen to do the same at tenthree, with Ed Hoadley's encouragement.
"As well as being a brilliant editor, David comes with the experience of being a partner at ARC that adds a level of maturity to how he approaches his career and deals with clients." Managing director Hoadley adds that Whittaker is also "a really lovely bloke," which always helps.
He's already completed his first job for tenthree as well—a B&Q ad with long-time collaborators The Glue Society. Before he gets stuck into his next project, Whittaker says: "I've always been a big fan of tenthree so when I moved back to London and the opportunity to join came up, I jumped at the chance."
Samantha Jayne and Arturo Perez Jr, directors of the recent 'Mean Girls' reboot, have graduated from North Shore High School and enrolled at Park Pictures.