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AGENCIES Which agency has the best ratings when you add 'em all up and average it out?
DIRECTORS And if you do the same thing with directors, who's top of that list?
CREATIVES Are you one of the twenty-five creatives who's won a coveted place on this list?
AGENCY PRODUCERS Or are you one of the most highly regarded agency producers in the UK?
FILM PRODUCERS You may have worked out that there's a bit of a theme developing by now.
BRANDS Mind you, this one's a bit different as it looks at the brands themselves.
FILM PRODUCTION COMPANIES Another company list - is your place of employment one of those on this list? If so, demand a pay rise - you're obviously doing something right.
POST / EDITING / SOUND COMPANIES We've bundled together all the tertiary companies into a single list. There are a few prominent companies on here that don't subscribe to DAVID. The fools.
DIRECTORS OF PHOTOGRAPHY Are you one of the best twenty-five cinematographers working in advertising? You are? Then you should be on this list.
As the philosopher Davide Revues once said: "we only have one past, but an infinite number of futures", and no event has proven that more comprehensively than the APA's Future of Advertising which has presented a myriad of awesome possibilities over the years. This year's line-up is especially impressive, and looks like it'll provide a fascinating menu of food for thought.
Not every talk will prove to be canon, but that's part of the fun. Do what we do, and think of it as an extended remix of 'Dragons' Den', and spend the afternoon weighing up the merits of the various presentations before deciding whether they're worthy of investing your time and energy.
The beauty of this carefully curated afternoon is that it's like a speed dating event... if you don't like the ideas of the person in front of you at any given moment, you won't have long to wait until they're replaced by someone whose pitch is potentially more appealing.
The purpose of the Future of Advertising is to cram as much future thinking as possible into one afternoon.
APA chief Steve Davies observes that the event is a distillation of the resourcefulness of the organisation's member companies: "Resilience and adaptability are key strengths of APA members, and it’s what has got them through tough times. Adapting though is far from straightforward... new opportunities have to be identified and then a strategy developed to realise them, always keeping in mind costs, risks and benefits.
"The purpose of the Future of Advertising is to cram as much future thinking as possible into one afternoon with eleven sessions and thirty presenters looking at a diverse range of opportunities."
Expertise on the stage will cover a lot of ground including making use of AI; the development of projects which include ownership of the IP; the Adless future of Advertising (which Steve Davies confesses that he doesn't yet understand); and making content for TikTok.
Steve adds that success, for him, would result in member companies coming away from the afternoon "with some new ideas to factor into their business planning".
Samantha Jayne and Arturo Perez Jr, directors of the recent 'Mean Girls' reboot, have graduated from North Shore High School and enrolled at Park Pictures.