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AGENCIES Which agency has the best ratings when you add 'em all up and average it out?
DIRECTORS And if you do the same thing with directors, who's top of that list?
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AGENCY PRODUCERS Or are you one of the most highly regarded agency producers in the UK?
FILM PRODUCERS You may have worked out that there's a bit of a theme developing by now.
BRANDS Mind you, this one's a bit different as it looks at the brands themselves.
FILM PRODUCTION COMPANIES Another company list - is your place of employment one of those on this list? If so, demand a pay rise - you're obviously doing something right.
POST / EDITING / SOUND COMPANIES We've bundled together all the tertiary companies into a single list. There are a few prominent companies on here that don't subscribe to DAVID. The fools.
DIRECTORS OF PHOTOGRAPHY Are you one of the best twenty-five cinematographers working in advertising? You are? Then you should be on this list.
Outsider have completed the signing of director Sarah Chatfield for commercials in the UK and the Netherlands. Over the years, Chatfield has built a reputation for high-quality sports commercials, like 2020's 'Reimagine' for Adidas.
She weaves together an all-female cast, varied camera angles, and Madame Gandhi's 'Top Knot Turn Up' to potent effect, with a cast that gets things done in the gym, on the beach, or on a steep incline.
It's also an obvious yet confident display of body positivity—an ever more crucial battleground in this sector— with the inclusion of plus-size marathon runner Jada Sezer designed to sway those disappointed by Nike's treatment of runner Mary Cain. As Madame Gandhi puts it: "Do not trouble me when I am focused."
So what does Chatfield have to say about her new focus? "Outsider has always stood out to me as a company that really cares about innovation in craft, technical excellence and inventive storytelling with the same passion as I do. I’m thrilled to be joining forces with such a respected company, who continue to push boundaries with cutting edge and award-winning work."
Simon Elborne and Richard Parker are equally effusive: “We were completely blown away with Sarah's passion and talent when we met. She has an infectiously positive and collaborative spirit, it's obvious why people adore working with her. It's a joy to be able to support her growth as a director and we can't wait to start making something together."
Samantha Jayne and Arturo Perez Jr, directors of the recent 'Mean Girls' reboot, have graduated from North Shore High School and enrolled at Park Pictures.