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TV Spot

Andrew MacGregor
Young Capital

"Boost Your Boomer"

14 January 2025


Can-do attitude.

Is there room in a crowded energy drinks market for one more? Youth employment agency Young Capital thinks so, but BOOOMer is no ordinary can of rocket fuel. For one thing, the main ingredient is extracted straight from Gen Z workers in a shady underground laboratory. Kudos to whoever designed the biomechanical 'port' on a woman's arm.

The drink is then consumed by—you guessed it—baby boomers who need a shot in the arm at work. The more Gen Z juice they drink, the more productive and nimble they become. One employee even learns how to make art in Microsoft Excel, as his younger colleague looks on like a proud mentor.

To the relief of Red Bull, Monster, Prime, et al, BOOOMer does not exist in real life. What does exist are young, energetic, and insightful workers who deserve more than a chance in the workplace—the more employers and dyed-in-the-wool employees drink it all in, the better.



Production Co: Hamlet
Director: Angelo Cerisara
Producer: Jeroen Berx
EP: Ruben Goots
Jason Felstead
Mathias Kerner
Edit House: Shift Post
Editor: Chris Coupland
Color: Rascal
Colorist: Tim Smith
Shift Post
Review posted: 14 January 2025 - 12:58
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