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TV Spot

Jason Stone
Uber Eats

"Evil'd Enough"

2 February 2025


The evil dread.

Javier Bardem appears to be playing the CEO of a major advertising network in this amusing commercial for Uber Eats, the latest in a strong sequence directed by David Shane. The premise is funny. Bored with the continuous effort to achieve world domination, a paragon of vice decides to order some food via the advertised service, put his feet up and watch an old episode of 'Happy Days'.

Director Shane hides the comedy twists behind a faithful exploration of the tropes of films featuring evil villains, and Javier Bardem nails the portrayal, as one might expect given his experience of playing such characters.

What's particularly funny is the way the fear and respect for Bardem's character from his acolytes is sustained even as he visibly softens because of his weariness with all his evil doing, and his determination to have a night off from it all doesn't move the needle on that at all.

And it lands its advertising message. Don't we all feel we've earned the right to minimum effort from time to time... even if we haven't been planning to take over the world.


Food Delivery

Production Co: O Positive
Director: David Shane
Producer: Nell Jordan
Prod M'ger: Polly Leach
EP: Ralph Laucella
Marc Grill
Edit House: The Quarry
Editor: Paul Watts
Camera Hire: ARRI Rental
VFX: Time Based Arts
VFX Supervisor: Miguel Wratten
Sound House: No.8
Sound Design: Sam Robson
Music: Mr Pape
Supervisor: John Connon
O Positive
The Quarry
ARRI Rental
Time Based Arts
Mr Pape
Review posted: 3 February 2025 - 00:01
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