Stockholms Stadsmission
"Break the Cycle of Disadvantage"
15 January 2025
3 mins 03s

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This three-minute commercial for Swedish nonprofit Stockholms Stadsmission revolves around a vicious cycle that threatens to destroy everyone it touches. When a father is too lost in a haze of drugs and alcohol to notice his daughter, she grows up to become a parent herself—just as consumed by addiction as her dad was. Her son says it will feel better if they play together, but that too falls on deaf ears. His behaviour and hygiene suffer as a result (note how dirty his face gets as his mum's situation deteriorates), with his teenage years a variation on a theme. By the time he runs from the cops as an adult, the coup de grâce seems inevitable… but the advertised charity believes any cycle can be broken. It helps him become a father who sees> the world, who picks up his child and bathes them in sunlight. The road to this point has been rocky as hell, but Stockholms Stadsmission works to help vulnerable and traumatized Swedes find a path forward. Patient, assured work from hometown director Maceo Frost.
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