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 It's the work, stupid.
TV Spot

Jason Stone
Hay Day

"Unleash Harmony"

16 January 2025


Keep calm and farm on.

Gordon Ramsay send up his own reputation for irascibility in this lovely spot for the Supercell game Hay Day in which the celebrity chef is trying to find his inner calm through a number of new age methods, before settling for the advertised game. It's a 'route one' approach, but thanks to a neat script and the terrific performance coaxed from Ramsay by director Natalie Prisco, it's one that proves very entertaining.

Once upon a time, you'd have said this was an odd approach for a target market you'd assume to be so young they don't recognise Gordon Ramsay, but that was back before you saw every Tom, Dick and Harriet on public transport whiling away their lives with games like these and you realise there is no age limit for this kind of electronic bubble gum.



Production Co: Arts & Sciences
Director: Natalie Prisco
Producer: Tex Travi
Prod M'ger: Esther Rich
EP: Elise Jeanrenaud
Edit House: Stitch
Editor: Jack Singer
VFX Producer: Belle McLeary
VFX EP: Greg White
Flame: Martin Waller
Antonio Jimenez
Colorist: Henry Howard
Talent Co: Talent Republic
Talent Broker: Anne Batz
Charlie Powell
Starring: Gordon Ramsay
Arts & Sciences
Talent Republic
Review posted: 16 January 2025 - 14:06
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