Gatsby Charitable Foundation
"Next Steps"
14 January 2025

Where will you go next?
Much to DAVID's disappointment, the Gatsby Charitable Foundation does not teach young people how to throw dazzling parties in Long Island or raise a glass in a meme-worthy fashion. What it does do is help children pursue T Levels, apprenticeships, and higher technical qualifications that open doors nice and early. It lets the teenager in this 60" ad go here, there, and everywhere in a quest to find her true vocation. One door leads to a state-of-the-art laboratory, another to a veterinary practice (DAVID would have stopped to hug the dog, but he's not as professional as the protagonist). By the time she's back in the house, she's also sampled a film set, a fashion workshop, and a corporate head office. Wherever she goes in life, she's got the support of her parents who used the charity's Talking Futures tools to kickstart the conversation. The question is: do they walk into a laboratory when they use the front door, too? That would get annoying after a while.
