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TV Spot

Jason Stone


30 January 2025


ET does it.

Stay with it. For a lot of this ad, you may feel, as DAVID did, that its faithful (yet plausibly deniable) reproduction of the climax of a well-known 1980s film is little more than a well-crafted filmic impersonation, But we were mistaken about that because we didn't realise we were being set up. Indeed, the very idea that that's what you're seeing makes the reveal all the more powerful... and funny.

Despite being a French ad, it appears to be set in America... but it's clearly not the America of 2025 where the prospect of tracking down an illegal alien of an exotic colour would likely inflame the authorities into a gun-toting frenzy.



Director: Gary Freedman
Sound House: Wave Studios
Sound Design: Ben Gulvin
Wave Studios
Review posted: 31 January 2025 - 01:43
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