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Biscuit Filmworks signs Jackie Bao.

Biscuit Filmworks has enriched its already impressive collection of directors after Jackie Bao agreed to enjoy their roster... the first time she has had representation for TVCs.

Biscuit Filmworks have signed Jackie Bao for representation across the world, the first time the award-winning director has had a place on a TVC roster. Bao sprang into the advertising industry's consciousness when she shined a spotlight on a neglected aspect of racism in a highly affecting film promoting Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month.

Jackie Bao was born and raised in Los Angeles, and studied 'Photography and Human Rights' at Bard College, as well as at Carnegie Mellon and the American Film Institute for Cinematography. Bao first made her mark as a director of photography before expanding into directing where, naturally enough, her knowledge of cameras and light has proven invaluable.

Bao's narrative films have been shown at festivals such as Tribeca and Hollyshorts, and her most recent short 'Just Kids', premiered at the Asian American International Film Festival. The film was also selected for the Austin Film Festival, Aesthetica, and Flux. Produced by Biscuit Filmworks, the film follows an ambitious Asian-American man shaped by his father’s immigrant experience, who, through an unlikely elevator ride, finds a renewed sense of self.

This tremendously powerful film marking American Asian Pacific Islander Heritage month draws attention to the way contrasting stereotypes are used to create a schism between Black Americans and those whose heritage reflects the organisation that funded it. Director Jackie Bao brings her masterful technique to the fore as she explores the ways in which Asian-Americans are characterised in American society, often as model immigrants in a fashion designed to denigrate others.
The film was made, in part, in response to the disgraceful scapegoating of East Asians because the 2020 pandemic originated in China, but it also includes a brief glimpse of a Fu Manchu-style characterisation in cartoon form which highlights yet another variant of the ugly stereotyping which still prevails.
It is an incredibly impressive example of political expression, and, although it is spikily truthful, it is also hopeful… reminding Black Americans and those of American Asian Pacific Islander heritage that they can make up their own minds about each other.

I have a profound respect for the Biscuit team... everyone is so invested in the work they do and they feel like family.

Jackie Bao            

Partnering with Jackie on such impactful pieces has brought a fresh perspective to Biscuit," said Shawn Lacy, founding partner of Biscuit Filmworks.

"We’re excited for her to bring her skill set to more projects that are unexpected and push the boundaries of what advertising can be."

“Jackie and her collaborations with other Biscuit directors are great examples of mentorship that goes both ways,” said Rupert Reynolds-Maclean, managing director at Biscuit Filmworks UK. "I'm immensely proud of our first UK project together for Tommy’s charity with Special Group London. It is the beginning of a close relationship between us and Jackie through the UK office."

For this incredibly moving film for Tommy's, a charity that shines a light on the heartbreaking loss of miscarriage and still birth, Jacki Bao directs with immense sensitivity.
The chosen technique would have diluted the emotionality if it had been heavy-handed... instead, it is perfectly judged, and allows the viewer to realise what is being said in a fashion that is truly heartbreaking.
In keeping with Bao's commitment to choose the right tool for the job, it looks as though this was shot on film, and this enhances the outcome, giving the completed film a nostalgic vibe which adds to its gut punch.

“I have a profound respect for the Biscuit team and their directors,” said Bao. “They’ve shown such support and enthusiasm for me and my work, from ‘The Myth’ to Just Kids; and collaborations with Isaiah Seret and Dan DiFelice have been powerful professional experiences. Everyone is so invested in the work they do and they feel like family.”

Posted: 3 February 2025 - 00:45
Biscuit Filmworks

Biscuit Filmworks

Founded by Noam Murro and Shawn Lacy, Biscuit Filmworks has become one of the most successful film production companies in the world. The roster is not the biggest in the world but it packs a real punch because of the directorial stars who are on it and, in recent years, its London office has added to a sense that this is one of the best global brands in film production.